Okay, so I totally stole that from Meleah, 'cause I loved the sound of it. And it really describes the week I've had. Last weekend was one of the busiest work weekends in a while. I will post pictures, and tell that story in the next post.
Monday night I shut the computer down, and that was the last time it was ever on again. Dead. Completely and totally dead. That Very Expensive Motherboard that, we had put in about 2 months ago, died. No connection to the Internet, and no access to ANYTHING else on the computer. Files, Pictures, TONS of music, my work website stuff, etc. NOTHING. Not a FOXTROT Thing!
The week was looong. The dog is very difficult to train. Or I'm really bad at training and she listens to my husband, but makes me crazy all day. MY RIGHT KICK ASS chocolate-brown-platform-5-inch-heals, (My one and only pair of really HIP shoes) is now shredded. One of my sons pacifiers is buried somewhere in the back yard.
My son peed 1 drop on the potty. Literally. My husband said it's virtually impossible, but my stubborn son managed to do it. 5 minutes later, he practically filled the kiddy potty. That was Wednesday. It hasn't happened again. Obviously this training is going very well too.
Tonight my husband called me on the way home from work, saying he was picking up a new CPU. This is a man who will wear clothes until they are in shreds before he'll spend money. He never shops for himself. I was a little stunned and slightly annoyed, because I'm the type to do as much research about what I'm purchasing and for what price. BUT he came home with a great new CPU. Except that it has Windows Vista. Ehh.
So, I'm back and childless for 2 nights. I have big plans. Big plans indeed. I am going to stain the decks. Front and back. And drink and grill. maybe not in that order though. My parents are taking my kids up to Mahwah NJ to visit my Grandmother, their Great Grandmother. My parents picked them up tonight, and they'll leave mid morning, take my grandmother to lunch and keep them Saturday night. WOW!! I'll miss them though.....
So, I'll further update in the next post. Everyone have a great Memorial Day weekend. I missed you all!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
W hiskey T ango F oxtrot
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
May 13th 1974
My Mother informed me that 34 years ago today, we were having a heat wave. So hot that when she came home from the hospital with me, my father had to put the window air conditioners into the apartment windows. And they didn't work. Here I was a newborn, my mother's first and it was HOT!
Today I will be home enjoying my day with both my kids. My oldest is home with some very bizarre hives, and is thrilled to spend the day Bass fishing on the play station.
My Husband won't be home until late tonight, so to celebrate my Birthday my mom and sister are going to come down, bringing with them, my favorite Indian food.
I don't feel any older. 34 is 34.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Random Ramblings
I realized that I really need to catch up on my blog when Momo Fali asked if the dog had eaten me. Well, the answer to that is yes, very nearly.
Busy doesn't even begin to describe how I am at the moment. I really shouldn't even be sitting here typing, I should be making chocolate ganache and Chocolate fudge icing.
This week:
*Registered son for preschool. If free here for 3 and 4 year old's, and I found a really great school. Cried that night because it's from 9-3 and I can't let me baby go. Thanks for that, hormones.
*Attempted to really start working on the potty training. Got cute little Thomas, Spiderman and Cars undies for the boy. Looks adorable. Has two accidents and FREAKS. That night his sister sends him out dressed as the "Naked Cowboy" that stands in Time Square. I would love to post the picture of him in his undies, cowboy boots, hat and guitar, but the thought of some freak looking at it scares me. It is HYSTERICAL THOUGH!!
* Baked and Baked and Baked. Did I mention to you that I baked?
* Found out that Gypsy Moth caterpillars that are EVERYWHERE right now, are giving the kids and i hives. All you have to do is come in contact with their nasty little hairs and your done for. So much fun. That in turn can become an allergic reaction. Nurse sent T home, because of the hives. Flakiest school nurse ever. Riley is having the whole gamut of symptoms, so he's on breathing treatment to add to it.
* Discovered that I have no dog training skills what so ever, and and losing my mind. Both dog and boy went through the back screen, so i had to re screen that yesterday.
* Being PTO secretary under the dumbest president ever really is WAY more work then it needs to be.
*2 1/2 is definitely my least favorite age. So is what ever age the dog is.
* I know for a fact that my Husband hasn't even thought about Mother's Day, let alone my Birthday which is Tuesday. That's okay. I'm used to being disappointed. He would be SO MUCH SMARTER to say "Here babe go out and get yourself something you really want. Go shopping ALONE. Now that's a gift.
Lastly, I wish all a very Happy Mother's Day. I hope you are waited on, pampered and you have a relaxing day!!