Friday, September 5, 2008


Can anyone, PLEASE explain this to me?

All but 1 are essentially empty. Husband's excuse is "just in case I run out." What are you going to do SCRAPE the last bit of residue out and spread it on your pits?? If I catch you with items from the kitchen, you'll be banned forever.


Anonymous said...


My 12 year old son has the SAME thing happening. He says its for different scents, but still!!

chefmom said...

OK, good, I'm chalking it up to be a "guy thing" then. These are ALL. THE. SAME. SCENT. PUL-EEZE!!

Anonymous said...


The same scent? Thats too funny.

someGirl said...

he has ONE FOR EVERY DAY OF THE know, like underwear. Cuz everyone knows you can't rub the Tuesday bar on a Wednesday...

Momo Fali said...

No. I can definitely NOT explain that! It's sure funny though!

chefmom said...

somegirl: Yes, I supposed I can see the logic in that, but they're all nearly empty!!

Momo: It is funny. every time I open that cabinet, I have to laugh. He's been forbidden to cross over to my cabinet though.