Wednesday, September 3, 2008


School starts in 4 days. 4 looong days. The reason we're starting so late is that the school took all the in-service days that are sprinkled throughout the year and put them all at the beginning. Um, Thanks for that. Everyone else is back in school and my kids are bored to tears. I'm also watching the same little girl I did last year. Except this year she's even more bratty. She is a child of an ugly divorce and I should feel sorry for her but I don't. She knows how to play the part very well. She sneaky and conniving and I've heard her more then once, trying to co-erse my son into doing something she knows they're not supposed to be doing. It's been 2 days, and am this close to telling her Dad I can't watch her this year. My daughter can't stand her, and is cranky every morning, because she has to get up and deal with this kid. Oh wait, that's me too.
This is also the guy who would take WEEKS, and at times MONTHS to pay me. I'm stuck here. This year I'll be driving the kids to school in the morning, since my son has to be at preschool the same time the girls bus comes. So parents, what would you do? Do I make him sign a contract? Do I tell him no, I can't do it this year? His other option is the early morning program at school. It would cost him $6. Yup that's it. He just doesn't want to go 1 street out of his way. Grrrrr.....I hate starting off the year this way!!!! HELP! Send Ideas and suggestions!


Anonymous said...

I'd tell him NO. Thats just wrong.

My son starts school tomorrow, and I still have to go back to school shopping. oops.

chefmom said...

I'm seriously considering it...but then I've now waited until the last minute and would be screwing him. He is a police chief. I'm way too nice somtimes. I need to have NO tattooed to my forehead. Hey! Way to be organized ;) I HATE back to school shopping. My Mom has made it her mission to take my daughter every year. It's their special outing. Fine by me!!!

Momo Fali said...

Say NO. It will be so liberating. I promise.

Anonymous said...

Im sending alcohol since I am fresh out of suggestions!

chefmom said...

Momo: I know it will be...and once I can say it, I'll be shouting it from the roof tops!

Meleah: I'll take it! Solves all my problems at the moment!

The Beginning of the Middle of the End said...

As your sister I feel I can tell you this. GROW SOME BALLS. We know he's a nice enough(ish) guy. And yes he may have brought you cookies once or twice (a little creepy). He may be the Chief of Police, but he does (how do I put this nicely) live next to you in the pine barrens (not that there is anything wrong with that) and drives a quad (not that there's anything wrong with that either they're fun), and is a little.... trashy.
Get it?

chefmom said...

Sister dear: that is now officially your job. I don't need any balls, thank you very much. And the correct term, is the he is a true "Piney". And yeah, when he rides that thing up and down the street, and tears up the side of his yard, it is trashy!