Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Getting in the Mood

I'm trying.....Christmas is quickly creeping up on me and I really haven't done much. I'm having a little bit of trouble getting into the mood, because I have been SO busy. I also live with the biggest Grinch in the world. For him Christmas always Sucked while he was growing up. I try to share my enthusiasm with him and thought the kids would help get him into the mood, but alas, no. This would be the time that I turn to food. Last night I called my sister and asked her if she knew what it was time to do. Silence. Dumb Ass, I said, it is Gingerbread season!! Nothing gets me in the mood more then constructing a work of art (or a disaster-piece) out of gingerbread. The kids love it, I will travel with it to show it off, and it even spends a day at school. I personally wanted to do a trailer park this year, with a spun sugar tornado, and my sister was so excited, but it's not very PC. Damn, another fun-ruin-er. I will attempt to get that started over the next few days. (see some of previous years at www.fortheloveofcakenj.com) Then I move on to Christmas cookies, and fudge. Hundreds of cookies. I could spend days just making cookies. Nothing gives me greater pleasure then the assorted smells of cookies, lingering in the house for days. I just give them away. Enjoy.
This weekend I will be attending a family function and was asked by my very bright sister what I would be bringing. "A Yule Log", I replied proudly. Silence. "You're bringing our Aunt, WOOD? She doesn't even have a fireplace." Oh. My. God. Her blond is showing through. No my dear, I am bringing a Buche de Noel, a log of CAKE, which you eat. And one with which I may beat you over the head with. I figured if I used the correct term, she'd have no clue what it was anyway. No matter, she thinks I'm bring wood.
On to trying to plan Christmas dinner. Our families policy has always been an open door, and all strays are welcome. One just never knows how many strays will come at the last minute. As of now, I'm up to 15. I am having such a hard time trying to decide what to make. I hate sticking with the traditional. I do that for Thanksgiving. I want different, unique, things I haven't made for these people before. But as a chef and foodie, my thoughts are probably far to weird for many of my guests. So for now, I will peruse the websites, cookbooks, and my own recipes for the perfect meal. I will conquer the greatest gingerbread house ever. Possibly a replica of something. Ideas???????
One last thought that I got an order for last night and I am SSSOOOO craving it now. Warm Fudge-filled cheesecake........heaven in a springform pan.


Anonymous said...

Yup, your bringing wood. And I don't care what you say...were doing stonehenge. And the trailer. Screw PC.

Michael C said...

I am going to gain weight reading this blog, I can just feel it ;-)

I love this time of year, but then I was born on Christmas Eve and I think that was part of the deal. I watched 'The Secret Life Of...Gingerbread' on the Food Network last night and am wishing I had bought the package of gingerbread men we saw at Trader Joe's earlier in the evening.

Michael C said...

Oh yeah, I would love the recipe for deep fried Chocolate chip cookies in funnel cake batter. I blacked out when I read the description ;-)

meleah rebeccah said...

warm fudge filled cheesecake?

Um. Hi. I want.

meleah rebeccah said...

"On to trying to plan Christmas dinner. Our families policy has always been an open door, and all strays are welcome. "

Now that is the SPIRIT. I like that kind of policy. I may end up one as one of them on your door step !!


chefmom said...

Blondie: Ha Ha Ha!! There is now way in Hell we're doing Stonehenge, cheater. I'm telling you a Victorian Bed and Breakfast, from Cape May. Scroll work and all!!!!

Michael C: A Christmas Eve baby!! How Cool! This is my favorite time of year, I just get so busy, that it's hard to keep up. I love the Gingerbread challenge on the Food Network. I will get the recipe to you. It was so coincidental that I read your blog about deep frying and then poof the recipe was in my inbox!

Meleah: You really haven't lived until you've tried this cheesecake. People think warm cheesecake is gross, but it's actually delicious!! And with chocolate oozing from the middle...YUM!! Open Door was my Mom's policy for years, and when I took over Christmas, it became mine. I hate to hear people spend it alone. All strays are welcome!! We'd be happy to have you :)

meleah rebeccah said...

You live in Jersey too right?

I think we need to have a xany-fudgey-cheese-cakey-PAR-TAY. (together)

chefmom said...

Yup, Born and bred Jersey girl. Cheesecake PAR-TAY it is!!

meleah rebeccah said...


(I am a born and raised Jersey grrl...all the way)