Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The most creative way to answer the phone. Ever.

I couldn't resist posting this. I've had it for a while, but had forgotten about it, until I heard my husband listening to it last night. I have an even better one for tomorrow. Enjoy!
How to prank a Telemarketer


Michael C said...

It's honestly hard for me to understand how any company makes money using telemarketing with all the telemarketing hate out there. I look forward to tomorrow's that you said you would be posting!!

chefmom said...

I agree. My husband acts as if the phone is broken and he ends up having the people on the other end screaming what they're trying to say. Tomorrow's is very funny :)

Michael C said...

I can't wait. And in response to your comment at my place today, I got to meet Reagan in his office in 1997 and have pics taken with him. I'd love to hear more about the letter your husband got from him.

meleah rebeccah said...

damn. I cant get into this at work... I will have to do this from home.

chefmom said...

Damn..I hope it works at home! It's very funny!