Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bitch. Nuff Said.

Rachael Ray – Dunkin' Coffee is S***Talk about biting the coffee bean that feeds you: Rachael Ray might be shilling for Dunkin' Donuts coffee and donuts on TV, but when push comes to drink, it's all Starbucks for RR.A spy for's Grub Street reports that on the set of Rachael's latest Dunkin' spot, she was given a cup of joe – but after just one sip, she yelled, "What is this s**t? Get me MY coffee." And, as it happens, HER coffee was from the competition, Starbucks.


Anonymous said...

DOWN with Rachel Ray!

Off with her head!

chefmom said...

That's right!! I read this on TMZ and couldn't resisit posting it. Especially since she seems to wreak havoc no matter where she is.....michael c. can't even put on the same shoes because of her!!

Michael C said...

Ha!!! I knew it, I just knew it. Beee-otch (with a little EVOO tossed in, of course).

This is now officially the best post of the year!!!!

And let's keep the shoe mishap on the down-low ;-)

Momo Fali said...

Uh oh! Tsk tsk Rachel.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks is way better anyway.

chefmom said...

michael c: Oh, I've heard horror stories about her on the set. I cringe at that abbreviation, but Thanks for the "best post of the year" comment. Shoe mishap? What shoe mishap?

Momo Fali: I believe they should fire her for that!! I certainly hope someone from Dunkin Donuts heard her!

Mel: Starbucks is WAY better!! There's also a place in Princeton (if your ever in that area) called Small World. They roast their own beans and it is AWESOME coffee.

Anonymous said...

OhMyGod...I LOVE small world!

kellypea said...

Yanno...I really want to like her sometimes. But only for a second. HAR on michael c's commnent about the "evoo." Starbucks is better for sure -- but only with an extra shot and extra hot. If not, then I go local. Nothing against Starbucks, just supporting the independents. Somebody has to, right?

chefmom said...

Kellypea: You and my husband like your Starbucks the exact same way! I do prefer to support The local places...(Mel, Small World is the BEST), but being that I now live in the middle of the Pine Barrens, ANY decent coffee is few and far between. I've broken out the espresso machine and am now making my own fun beverages!