Friday, July 25, 2008

Big plans

Today I will be baking. And baking. AND baking. Nothing like waiting till the last minute for all the orders tomorrow. I am the worst procrastinator, and yesterday we spent the day on the lake with friends, in canoes and a catamaran. (Which ultimately flipped) WAY to much fun to walk away from to bake. A Bikini, Elmo and a penguin for today. Oh and one is for THE EVENT PLANNER. We'll see if she lives through this cake order......
Have a GREAT weekend!


AndreAnna said...

Good luck!

someGirl said...

Yes good luck, and have something relaxing planned for later tonight, will have to save you sanity!!

Will the bikini be a "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini?" (that she wore for the first time today??) :)

Anonymous said...

I hate that event planner lady.

Yikes. Good luck with all of that!


Momo Fali said...

And, I will be driving, and driving, and driving to get to you so I can eat some of your yummy stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well over the weekend, cant wait to hear all about it!!

Anonymous said...

just checking for any updates...

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well? What happened with The Event Planner lady ?

Anonymous said...

I want to be at a lake with a canoe, or a sailboat. Pleeeeeeeeze? I've wanted that vacation for years and years. I can't talk my huzbink into it...