Well, the week ended with the kids home from school because of the snow. I panicked a bit, because I knew I had a ton of baking and creating to do. I managed to get it done. The first picture was for a pool party at the local college. You can rent it out for the day and the kids have a blast. I didn't charge much for it, because it was for a co-worker or my husband. (I know...SAP!)
The second cake was MOST important to me, because it was for my Uncle's 60th Birthday party. He's a driver for FedEx Freight and He loves his job. So I based the theme on that. 

I had originally had the truck up, and off the cake board, with the wheels and trailer holders, etc. BUT, it was a little to unstable for my liking, so I took it down and cut the wheels in half. He was so surprised and thrilled with how it came out. I was happy, but a little disappointed, as I only had an hour to cut, shape and ice it. Adding the fondant is easy, I just had to be exact, since there was no time for adjustments. Enjoy!
Darling Fed Ex Truck. I'll bet the kids wanted to eat it and your dad(?) wanted to freeze forever.
earlene, Yes My son couldn't wait to dig into it! And my Uncle was afraid to cut it. We did take lots of photos, because FedEx has an in house magazine that prints fun stuff like that. We'll see If it makes into the magazine.
I LOVE the FedEX cake!! Great job.
I am so envious of your mad skillz. You rule!!!!!!!
meleah: Thanks!! I keep looking at the pictures and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. This weekends orders include a 3D standing cinderella and a rice krispy treat castle to with her. Should be cute!
OK, you need to open your own place like Duff Goldman on 'Ace of Cakes.'
But one condition, I want to be your Sous Chef with NO personality whatsoever like that guy on Ace of Cakes who reminds me of Toby on The Office.
Wow, now I am hoping you watch Ace of Cakes or you may not take this as the compliment I intended it to be.
How's this, I love your cakes. Wait, why does that sound dirty? OK, I love your CAKE DESIGNS.
There, that's better.
Michael: Yes I know who Duff is, and that is the perfect way to describe his assistant. I would hire you to be my Sous Chef, but I like your funny personality, so that HAS to come with it. And Yes, I guess one could read into "I like your cakes" the wrong way, But coming from you, I would just follow it with a "That's what HE said"....ba dum bum! LOL Thanks for the compliment on my cakes, er designs.
Ha, I came SO SO close to throwing a TWSS or TWHS in there. Ha!
I would gladly accept the sous chef position and will try to give you more personality than a corpse who is disliking the decomposition process of his body.
However, and PLEASE don't hate me here, I am much more a pie eater than cake eater. However, I'm sure the cakes you make might get me to change that.
Michael: I HATE cake. I haven't eaten it in ages, so you're all good!!:)
Whew!! Now I must ask how you feel about Key Lime pie.
Key Lime Pie: Like it!
Key Lime Pie Martini: Love it!
Pie I can handle. I especially LOVE Blueberrry. We are surrounded by Cranberry bogs and Blueberry farms. We love to go and pick Blueberries the size of grapes and the pies that they make are unlike any other. Now I'll just have to come up with a Blueberry Martini :)
I love me the cranberries. I could become a cranberry bogger. And if I blogged about it, I could be a cranberry bogger blogger. Ok, that sucked...
What a very cool cake. My boys would have LOVED it! I've always wanted to play with fondant, or at least put it on a cake, but I'm a bit nervous. I did check it out on a pastry chef website though and decided I didn't need 10 lbs. Hahahaha!
That cake rocks!! I have NO IDEA how your little one lets you do ANYTHING sugar related!
PS: I wanna have drinks at your house!!! Blueberrry/Cranberry martinis!!!!
Michael: GROAN!!! ASide from that, It's pretty cool to watch them harvest the cranberries. And now, in the winter, they fill the bogs, and if it gets cold enough they let you skate on them, because the bushes are totally underwater. Bogger Blogger.....
kellypea: Get some!! It's like playing with playdough. Your local Craft store (Michaels or even some party stores) should sell the Wilton version in 1 lb boxes. I prefer a different brand, but for starters, it's a good product and easy to use. You'll be amazed at how simple it is. Slather some buttercream on a round cake, roll it out and just lay it on. I prefer to use it, because fondant is SO forgiving, and looks great too.
somegirl: It's actually quite difficult. I caught him picking the corner off one of the cakes as it was cooling. Then He came sneaking over while I was icing one of the cakes and tried to swipe the spatula. I told him no and he wandered off. A few minutes later he comes in with a blanket over his head saying "ooooo I'm a ghost", and tried to steal the spatula again!! Nice try buddy!!! LOL! You are welcome for drinks anytime!
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