Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Here we go Again.

Let me start from the beginning. 2 months after we got married, The company my Husband worked for, for 7 years had major lay-offs. He was one of the unlucky ones. Then he got a corporate sales job with Kinko's. Just before Fed Ex bought them out, they too made major cuts. Again, one of the unlucky ones. 2 weeks after we bought our very first house, the tiny family owned printing company he worked for layed him and 7 others off. Of Course he was pissed, but this was a family owned company and so there was no room to grow for him. he'd already spent a few years in the same position with no raises, only more commission incentives. My Husband works his ASS off. Sales is perfect for him. He's such a people person, and when the last printing Co. let him go, about half their customers left too. The other salesmen were family members and just cranky old men. Sucks to be them. In Sales customer Service is a huge part, and building a good re pore is necessary.
So, for the last years and half, he's been through 5 jobs. It SUCKED. He hasn't been happy with the latest job, and once again all the promises they made when they hired him, never came through. So I happened to come across a fantastic job, in the printing industry. Usually in sales, base salary is low and commission is decent. But Commission is NOT a constant and very unreliable. Managing money was difficult, because you never knew what you'd be getting. This job posting listed a high salary, and a the same percentage commission for all. He went up there (It's now about 1 hr 20 minutes from home), interviewed and they said they'd let him know in 24 hours.
Monday night the phone rang. He flew of the chair and ran into the bedroom to answer it. He had seen it was the company name on the called ID. I just thought he'd lost his mind. They offered him the double the salary he's making now. Hallelujah is all I can say. There are many other perks, but the downside was, another change of jobs. Needless to say, I told he'd be the stupidest man on earth to turn it down. The other downside for me is that now he's gone even longer everyday. Most likely 7-7, factoring in the drive time. I'm not complaining, but aside from baking and blogging. I don't get to speak to many adults in a day.
He went into the old job yesterday morning and gave his 2 weeks. What I didn't know was, that the day before, they had made him sign a contract stating that if he didn't sell some absurd number of copiers in the month of March, they were going to cut his salary. Wow...that's a moral booster. They actually had the nerve to be surprised when he gave his notice. he knew they wouldn't keep him for the 2 weeks. The last guy that quit, they escorted from the building and that's just what they did with my Husband. So Yay, he gets to start the new job sooner.
So, once again our world is turned over and we begin another new chapter. Some are very short.
Some are long and mostly happy, we just have very bad luck. We're the type of people who would give you the shirt off our backs if you needed it. We stop to help people on the side of the road. Ya know...Do good deeds and you'll be rewarded. It's been 10 years and we have had FEW rewards. I count my kids as the greatest ones. Someone finally heard me, whether it was Buddha, God, The Dali Lama, Mother Earth, The Goddess, and whoever else I missed. Today, I'm thinking I can finally see the sun. That black cloud starting to look light grey.


Michael C said...

Yay and congrats!!! Believe me, I have been in your husband's shoes and know what all of that feels like. ANd yes, I DID spray them with that stuff they use on the rental shoes at the bowling alley when I was done.

chefmom said...

Thanks! I have to say the money alone is worth it. LOL...Thanks for spraying the shoes :)

Michael C said...

You are very welcome. I just know that I'd want to courtesy of my shoes being sprayed. It's like sharing one's beef jerky when you really stop to think about it.


AndreAnna said...

Congrats to him! I know the longer hours will be hard, but hopefully the extra money will change. Is he going to be working up north?

chefmom said...

Michael: Um, okay, I guess that's a goof analogy. I still can't Handle the beef jerky!

Andreanna: Yes, The money will be a huge help, so in the long run, the hours are worth it. And he'll be working in Hillsborough, off of Rt. 206. It took him 50 minutes the first afternoon, and about 1 hr and 20 min. this morning. He's trying to avoid the Turnpike at all costs!!

Michael C said...

I promise to stop bringing it up then.

Oh and just so you know, I just used your Hubby's line and it went great. She took a few seconds, but when she got it, she said 'I bet you've been waiting to use that all morning,' to which I replied 'you betcha!!!'

chefmom said...

Michael C: HAHAHAHAHA! (Jumping up to give you a high-five!) I bet you loved every minute of it, and she was probably pretty stunned!

Momo Fali said...

I SO hope everything works out. You've been through quite enough.

chefmom said...

Momo: Yes, I do too. We have been through enough. Our motto has become "we'll get through it".I'm tired of saying it!!

Anonymous said...

Oh happy days ARE ahead! This is soooo wonderful. I am truly excited for you!


chefmom said...

Meleah: Thanks!! We're both feeling that way right about now! :)

someGirl said...

woo hoo!!! I'm excited for your whole family...The commute is gonna get old fast so I suggest satellite radio as a congrats/boredom-killer/reward for Hubby :)

chefmom said...

somegirl: It's funny you say that...I had gotten him one a while back, and always told him not to leave it in the car overnight. One night over 60 cars were broken into in our neighborhood and guess what was stolen?!!! That was the greatest "I told you so" moment EVAH!!!

kellypea said...

Wow. At some point, betting on a lotto ticket has got to work since you've had your share of bad luck. I'm shaking my head over here. Amazed. Really. Cheers to you for having an amazing outlook. Not many people would after what you've described.