Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Someone kick me in the head next time...

Before I ever sign on with another event planner, PLEASE people promise to swiftly kick me. Tell me to meet him or her first, before signing on. That way, when we're in the middle of a project, I'll be prepared for the fact that she's dumb as a stump and the biggest flake I've ever met. How anyone has let this woman plan ANY event is beyond me.....

Explanation tomorrow.....I'm off to make a 3D Golden Labrador. Pix to follow.

3:25-Dog just left......Not bad...eyes are a little creepy. It's tough to do it so small. It only needed to feed 12 people. It's about a foot long.....oohhhh my ESP senses are tingling...Michael C just thought : TWSS!!!!


Olivias Mom said...

Hahaha, I enjoyed this little post!! I am a caterer aka personal chef and I completely understand what your coming form here.
By the way I am new to blogging and just decided to stop by to say hi to fellow bloggers that deem some of my same interests.
PS I love dirty martini's
Many Blessings..

Anonymous said...

wow. I cant wait to see THOSE pictures!

I hate getting into a bad deal like that. Just try not to kill said event planner....but just know I have bail $$ and I am not too far away if you need any assistance.

chefmom said...

Angela: Welcome! I was about to start a personal chef business before my son was born.I'm hoping to get back into it when he goes to school eventually. And MMM, there's nothing like a good dirty martini!!

Mel: You know you've found a true friend when they offer to bail you out for killing said event planner. I have to save every single e-mail we exchange, because she can't remember a single thing from one minute to the next. Why does she have to be the middleman?? I have a feeling she's jacking up my prices to make some money on her own. I prefer to deal with the bridezillas myself!!!
XXOO I'll call ya from the big house ;)

Michael C said...

What? Am I that predictable? But seriously, in my defense, you said 'foot long.' I can't be alone on this. Ask your husband and get his reaction.

Hannah said...

Cake looks AWESOME!!!!

chefmom said...

Michael C: if I thought it the minute I typed it, I KNEW you would too! I'm getting back in the closet now....

Hannah: Thanks! I had originaly planned to do the head all fondant, but I managed to carved the cake into a reasonable shape. It did take a few dowels to support though...And the eyes are too creepy! But they're the color of the dog I was trying to copy...Must be a scary dog :)

Momo Fali said...

I can't wait to hear this story. And, I don't think the eyes are creepy! They look just like my dog's eyes when she's about to do something wrong...which is ALWAYS.

Anonymous said...

'It's about a foot long"

thats also what SHE wishes.

you did great. thanks for posting the pictures so soon. You know I get alll anxious!!

Michael C said...

Do you need anything in that closet? Your comment had me laughing very loudly!!

chefmom said...

Momo: Thanks...I wasn't sure about it, but I'm starting to like the picture. And I will post the story of this planner tommorrow....It's been one thing after another!!!

Meleah: HAHAHA..so the abbreviation for that would be: TWSW, instead of TWSS. I posted it quickly, because alot of people were anxious to see it. So far the reviews are good :)

Michael C: I figured you'd know exactly what I was talking about. Nope, doing just fine in the closet. Although when my husband called he was a little confused as to why the house sounded like chaos was ensuing, and I was hiding in the closet. That in itself sounds like a legit reason to me, let alone my own personal hate-someone-who-shall-remain-unnamed-Holiday. :)