I'm not feeling like the energizer bunny today. I'm feeling like Oh-shit-I-have-20-people-coming-in-2-days-and-I-haven't-cleaned-or-shopped. How's that for procrastination?
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, eat lots of good food, and it you need any martini glasses, feel free to ask........
We chose to ingore my 50 closest family members and we are going to the beach sunday with a stop at Disneyland on the way back home. No stress there...
I hope it all goes well!!
I'm starting to get really excited for the chocolate I get to eat on Sunday. I gave it up for Lent. It's been killing me to see all your pictures!
Have a Happy Easter. I bet no one will even notice if your house isn't clean.
Michael c: That sounds like a great day!! I hope you and your have a wonderful time! I hope mine goes well too....
Momo: You are a strong woman! There is no way in H-E double L that I could go without chocolate. Happy to Easter to you! I did manage to muster up the energy to bake a cake for an order, make some Vanille bean and almond essence shortbread and got a bit of cleaning done. I'll leave the rest for my maid tomorrow....I mean my Husband. HeHe!!
Have a great weekend. Happy Easter!
You know I'll keep coming back here and commenting until you post again... ;-)
Hope your Easter went well!
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