Friday, March 21, 2008

Can someone replace the batteries in my back....?

I'm not feeling like the energizer bunny today. I'm feeling like Oh-shit-I-have-20-people-coming-in-2-days-and-I-haven't-cleaned-or-shopped. How's that for procrastination?

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, eat lots of good food, and it you need any martini glasses, feel free to ask........

Easter easter


Michael C said...

We chose to ingore my 50 closest family members and we are going to the beach sunday with a stop at Disneyland on the way back home. No stress there...

I hope it all goes well!!

Momo Fali said...

I'm starting to get really excited for the chocolate I get to eat on Sunday. I gave it up for Lent. It's been killing me to see all your pictures!

Have a Happy Easter. I bet no one will even notice if your house isn't clean.

chefmom said...

Michael c: That sounds like a great day!! I hope you and your have a wonderful time! I hope mine goes well too....

Momo: You are a strong woman! There is no way in H-E double L that I could go without chocolate. Happy to Easter to you! I did manage to muster up the energy to bake a cake for an order, make some Vanille bean and almond essence shortbread and got a bit of cleaning done. I'll leave the rest for my maid tomorrow....I mean my Husband. HeHe!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend. Happy Easter!

Michael C said...

You know I'll keep coming back here and commenting until you post again... ;-)

Hope your Easter went well!