Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm here. Crazy busy. Communions, showers, etc. Insanely hyper dog. And a 2 1/2 year old who's keeping up with her. Yesterday, it came down to this:
Except I gave the wrong one the binky and put the wrong one in the cage....
Seriously though, the dog has a binky fetish and my son actually enjoys climbing into the dog crate. Odd child.


The Beginning of the Middle of the End said...

What's with the crate?

chefmom said...

Who knows...we borrowed it from Art and Kristi and Bailey has stopped having accidents at night, and she seems to be used to being in one. She doesn't whine or bark at all. We're working on training her a little better.

someGirl said...

Hey, better a crate than the dryer (my son STILL likes to crawl into it, NOT COOL)

Howdy woman, long time no chat. I'm still alive. I want to catch up on all your posts, but I just wanted to say how much I missed you.

PS: Sofia got a ton of culinary 'stuff' for her birthday(the real stuff, not that hot pink Easy Bake Oven crap)...So, when can you give her some lessons?? Just kidding...Seriously though, you can make bank if you offered some kid-friendly baking classes.

kellypea said...

Hilarious! Looks comfy in that kennel...I don't know about the sucker, though...Had to send out a search party for you. Glad you're okay.

chefmom said...

somegirl: The crates not bad...although I envision myself locked in it with a glass of wine and a good book. That's a little weird, but oddly enticing. A Time out for Mom, sort of thing! The dryer would freak me out!
I am SO HAPPY to hear from you. I miss you too! Last week's Lost had me thinking that I hoped you could at least have a distracting hour, to let yourself get sucked into it your favorite TV show and set aside everything else. You are in my thoughts alot!
YAY Sofia! Charge forward into the kitchen and Stomp on the Easy bake on your way in! I have thought about doing a webcast, for cake decorating.
As for the kid-friendly classes, you are not kidding!!I've heard of a woman about an hour from me that doe cooking birthday parties, in this tiny store front. It costs a small fortune for a party!
I miss you Momma!!

Kellypea: He's killing me with this crate! He constantly wants to play in it! And today the dog was laying flat on the floor with another one she found sticking out the front of her mouth like a baby. I'm just baking and filling the freezer..I have to learn to put these 2 letters together N-O! I'm taking on too much!

Michael C said...

Oh no, I have friends who work for child protective services and know I have to pretend I never saw this post!

Anonymous said...

thats too funny and way too adorable

Momo Fali said...

Crate training is THEE best way to get a dog housetrained. We also use bells hanging from the doors that our dog rings when she wants to go out.

chefmom said...

michael c: There's no post here..What post? No dogs with binky's, or kids in crates!

Meleah:They're both a piece of work!

Momo: That is what i been told. We're also trying the bell at the back door. My sister was telling me that someone she knew did that and it worked. We'll see!

justme said...

ahhh, that is classic

Anonymous said...

please come over and celebrate my sons birthday with me? Its over on my blog today...


Momo Fali said...

Has the dog eaten you alive? Where are you?!